cueO | BacMet ID: BAC0103Code for: Enzyme
Family: Multicopper oxidase (mco)Sequence: FASTA
Cross-database IDs: Link
Organism: Escherichia coli (strain K12)Location: Chromosome
Compound: Copper (Cu)Description: Copper efflux oxidase (blue copper oxidase); Involved in periplasmic detoxification of copper by oxidizing Cu+ to Cu2+ and thus preventing its uptake into the cytoplasm. Possesses phenoloxidase and ferroxidase activities and might be involved in the production of polyphenolic compounds and the prevention of oxidative damage in the periplasm.
Length (amino acid): 516
Reference: Grass et al. 2001; Pubmed- 11222619, Outten et al. 2001; Pubmed- 11399769
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