Query BacMet databases

  1. Quick Search:

  2. You can search the BacMet database using any full term or partial term with a wildcard, including for example gene names (e.g. copA or cop*), name of biocides (e.g. Triclosan or Triclo*), metals (e.g. Arsenic or Arsen*) or chemical classes (e.g. Acridine or Acrid*). You will get an output in a table format with the resistance gene information that matches to your search term/pattern.

  3. Advanced Search:

You can use the advanced search option if you are especially interested in resistance genes that confer resistance to certain antibacterial compounds or chemical classes, and plasmid- or chromosomal-borne resistance genes. You can use full term or partial term with a wildcard in description section (e.g. resistance or resis*).You will get an output in a table format with the resistance gene information that matches to your search criteria.

Select 'chemical class'/'compound' (resistant to): 

Select location:  Any   Chromosome   Plasmid    (for EXP confirmed database only)

Protein description contains text              (e.g. resistance)

Peptide sequence length greater than     (for EXP confirmed database only)

Peptide sequence length less than          (for EXP confirmed database only)

Select database:  BacMet Predicted database   BacMet Experimentally Confirmed database

BacMet database/website was developed and designed by Chandan Pal and currently maintained by Joakim Larsson's team

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