BacMet Experimentally Confirmed Database: Quick Search Results

Result: Your query found 1 resistance gene(s) from the BacMet Experimentally Confirmed database

Gene_nameExperimentally Verified Resistance Gene Information Predicted Resistance Gene Information
  • BacMet ID: BAC0569
  • Code for: Regulator
  • Family: Contains response regulatory domain
  • Sequence: FASTA
  • Cross-database information: Link
  • Organism: Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. Viciae
  • Location: Chromosome
  • Compound: Copper (Cu), Hydrochloric acid (HCl) [class: Acid]
  • Description: Regulates the transcription of actP. It detects cytoplasmic copper stress and activates transcription in response to increasing copper concentrations. In the absence of copper, it negatively regulates the transcription of actP
  • Length (amino acid): 129
  • Reference: Reeve et al. 2002; Pubmed- 11936079

  • Similar resistance genes in 'BacMet Predicted database'

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