BacMet Experimentally Confirmed Database: Quick Search Results

Result: Your query found 1 resistance gene(s) from the BacMet Experimentally Confirmed database

Gene_nameExperimentally Verified Resistance Gene Information Predicted Resistance Gene Information
  • BacMet ID: BAC0398
  • Code for: Efflux
  • Family: RND superfamily, AcrB/AcrD/AcrF family
  • Sequence: FASTA
  • Cross-database information: Link
  • Organism: Yersinia pseudotuberculosis serotype I (strain IP32953)
  • Location: Plasmid pYptb32953 (Yersinia pseudotuberculosis serotype I (strain IP32953) ), Plasmid p29930 (Yersinia enterocolitica)
  • Compound: Triclosan [class: Phenolic compounds]
  • Description: Resistance-Nodulation-Cell Division (RND) efflux transporter triC; Part of the TriABC-opmH triclosan efflux pump system; TriABC-opmH is the only known RND pump system requires two MFPs (TriA and TriB) to work
  • Length (amino acid): 915
  • Reference: Mima et al. 2007; Pubmed- 17720796

  • Similar resistance genes in 'BacMet Predicted database'

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