BacMet Experimentally Confirmed Database: Quick Search Results

Result: Your query found 1 resistance gene(s) from the BacMet Experimentally Confirmed database

Gene_nameExperimentally Verified Resistance Gene Information Predicted Resistance Gene Information
  • BacMet ID: BAC0057
  • Code for: Enzyme
  • Family: CadD family
  • Sequence: FASTA
  • Cross-database information: Link
  • Organism: Staphylococcus aureus (strain N315)
  • Location: Plasmid pN315 (Staphylococcus aureus (strain N315)), Plasmid pLUH02 (Staphylococcus aureus (strain ECT-R 2) ), Chromosome
  • Compound: Cadmium (Cd), Zinc (Zn)
  • Description: Cadmium resistance permease; These proteins are members of the Cadmium Resistance (CadD) Family. To date, this family of proteins has only been found in Gram-positive bacteria. The CadD family includes two close orthologues in two Staphylococcus species that have been reported to function in cadmium resistance, and another staphylococcal protein that has been reported to possibly function in quaternary ammonium ion Export.
  • Length (amino acid): 205
  • Reference: Crupper et al. 1999; Pubmed- 10383976, Kuroda et al. 2001; Pubmed- 11418146

  • Similar resistance genes in 'BacMet Predicted database'

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