Cross-database IDs

EMBL; U82598; AAB40771.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
EMBL; U00096; AAC73674.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
EMBL; AP009048; BAA35207.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
PIR; C64790; C64790.
RefSeq; NP_415105.1; NC_000913.2.
RefSeq; YP_488860.1; NC_007779.1.
PDB; 1ZEQ; X-ray; 1.50 A; X=28-110.
PDB; 2QCP; X-ray; 1.00 A; X=32-110.
PDB; 2VB2; X-ray; 1.70 A; X=23-110.
PDB; 2VB3; X-ray; 2.33 A; X=23-110.
PDB; 3E6Z; X-ray; 1.00 A; X=32-110.
PDBsum; 1ZEQ; -.
PDBsum; 2QCP; -.
PDBsum; 2VB2; -.
PDBsum; 2VB3; -.
PDBsum; 3E6Z; -.
ProteinModelPortal; P77214; -.
SMR; P77214; 28-110.
DIP; DIP-9350N; -.
IntAct; P77214; 2.
STRING; 511145.b0573; -.
TCDB; 2.A.6.1.4; the resistance-nodulation-cell division (rnd) superfamily.
EnsemblBacteria; AAC73674; AAC73674; b0573.
EnsemblBacteria; BAA35207; BAA35207; BAA35207.
GeneID; 12933051; -.
GeneID; 945188; -.
KEGG; ecj:Y75_p0560; -.
KEGG; eco:b0573; -.
PATRIC; 32116314; VBIEscCol129921_0597.
EchoBASE; EB3985; -.
EcoGene; EG14234; cusF.
eggNOG; COG5569; -.
HOGENOM; HOG000126315; -.
KO; K07810; -.
OrthoDB; EOG6FJNKR; -.
ProtClustDB; PRK09838; -.
BioCyc; EcoCyc:G6321-MONOMER; -.
BioCyc; ECOL316407:JW0562-MONOMER; -.
EvolutionaryTrace; P77214; -.
PRO; PR:P77214; -.
Genevestigator; P77214; -.
GO; GO:0042597; C:periplasmic space; IMP:EcoliWiki.
GO; GO:0016531; F:copper chaperone activity; IDA:EcoCyc.
GO; GO:0006878; P:cellular copper ion homeostasis; IGI:EcoCyc.
GO; GO:0010273; P:detoxification of copper ion; IGI:EcoCyc.
GO; GO:0010272; P:response to silver ion; IMP:EcoCyc.
GO; GO:0010043; P:response to zinc ion; IEP:EcoCyc.
InterPro; IPR021647; CusF_Ec.
Pfam; PF11604; CusF_Ec; 1.

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