EMBL; AP012205; BAK51483.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
RefSeq; NP_442627.1; NC_000911.1.
RefSeq; YP_005652688.1; NC_017277.1.
RefSeq; YP_007452503.1; NC_020286.1.
ProteinModelPortal; F7UKI5; -.
EnsemblBacteria; BAK51483; BAK51483; SYNGTS_2735.
GeneID; 12254802; -.
GeneID; 14618185; -.
GeneID; 952214; -.
KEGG; syn:sll0797; -.
KEGG; syy:SYNGTS_2735; -.
KEGG; syz:MYO_127610; -.
KO; K11330; -.
OrthoDB; EOG6G4VQG; -.
BioCyc; SSP1148:GJOT-2781-MONOMER; -.
GO; GO:0003677; F:DNA binding; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.
GO; GO:0000156; F:phosphorelay response regulator activity; IEA:InterPro.
GO; GO:0035556; P:intracellular signal transduction; IEA:GOC.
GO; GO:0006355; P:regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.
GO; GO:0006351; P:transcription, DNA-dependent; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.
Gene3D;; -; 1.
InterPro; IPR011006; CheY-like_superfamily.
InterPro; IPR001867; Sig_transdc_resp-reg_C.
InterPro; IPR016032; Sig_transdc_resp-reg_C-effctor.
InterPro; IPR001789; Sig_transdc_resp-reg_receiver.
InterPro; IPR011991; WHTH_DNA-bd_dom.
Pfam; PF00072; Response_reg; 1.
Pfam; PF00486; Trans_reg_C; 1.
SMART; SM00448; REC; 1.
SMART; SM00862; Trans_reg_C; 1.
SUPFAM; SSF46894; SSF46894; 1.
SUPFAM; SSF52172; SSF52172; 1.
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