BacMet Predicted Database

Result: Your query found 3 resistance gene(s) from the BacMet Predicted database

Gene name
GI number
GenBank ID
NCBI annotation
srpA71153532 O31099.1 FASTA Pseudomonas putidan-hexane, Toluene, DimethylphthalateRecName: Full=Solvent efflux pump periplasmic linker srpA; Flags: Precursor
srpA340843873 YP_004750623.1 FASTA Pseudomonas putidan-hexane, Toluene, Dimethylphthalate toluene efflux pump periplasmic linker protein TtgG
srpA71153376 Q93PU5.1 FASTA Pseudomonas putidan-hexane, Toluene, DimethylphthalateRecName: Full=Toluene efflux pump periplasmic linker protein ttgG; Flags: Precursor

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