zraP | BacMet ID: BAC0466Code for: Binding protein
Family: ZraP familySequence: FASTA
Cross-database IDs: Link
Organism: Salmonella typhimurium (strain LT2/SGSC1412/ATCC 700720) Location: Chromosome
Compound: Zinc (Zn)Description: Zinc resistance-associated protein ZraP; Undergoes a specific Zn++ induced cleavage to release a carboxy-terminal Zn++ binding region; located in periplasm; Binds zinc. Could be an important component of the zinc-balancing mechanism; located in periplasm
Length (amino acid): 151
Reference: Noll et al. 1998; Pubmed- 9694902, Appia-Ayme et al. 2012; Pubmed- 22084975
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