vmeZ | BacMet ID: BAC0515Code for: Efflux
Family: RND superfamilySequence: FASTA
Cross-database IDs: Link
Organism: Vibrio parahaemolyticus RIMD2210633Location: Chromosome
Compound: Sodium Glycocholate [class: Acid], Sodium Taurocholate [class: Acid], Sodium Deoxycholate (SDC) [class: Acid], Sodium Cholate [class: Acid], Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) [class: Organo-sulfate]Description: Part of the VexYZ efflux transporter. VmeYZ uses a outer memberane protein such as TolC in E. coli or TolC-like VpoC in V. parahaemolyticus to function properly but complexes with VpoC can extrude various antimicrobial agents more effectively than complexes with TolC.
Length (amino acid): 1050
Reference: Matsuo et al. 2013; Pubmed- 23894076
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