dpr/dps | BacMet ID: BAC0134Code for: Binding protein
Family: Dps famailySequence: FASTA
Cross-database IDs: Link
Organism: Streptococcus suisLocation: Chromosome
Compound: Iron (Fe), Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) [class: Peroxides]Description: DNA protection during starvation protein; Protects DNA from oxidative damage by sequestering intracellular Fe2+ ion and storing it in the form of Fe3+ oxyhydroxide mineral. One hydrogen peroxide oxidizes two Fe2+ ions, which prevents hydroxyl radical production by the Fenton reaction. It binds and incorporates Fe2+ iron. Is responsible for hydrogen peroxide resistance. Does not bind DNA.
Length (amino acid): 172
Reference: Pulliainen et al. 2005; Pubmed- 16091046
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