EMBL; U82664; AAB40245.1; ALT_INIT; Genomic_DNA.
EMBL; U00096; AAC73593.2; -; Genomic_DNA.
EMBL; AP009048; BAE76270.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
RefSeq; NP_415024.4; NC_000913.2.
RefSeq; YP_488782.1; NC_007779.1.
ProteinModelPortal; P77307; -.
STRING; 511145.b0491; -.
TCDB; 3.A.1.139.2; the atp-binding cassette (abc) superfamily.
EnsemblBacteria; AAC73593; AAC73593; b0491.
EnsemblBacteria; BAE76270; BAE76270; BAE76270.
GeneID; 12930858; -.
GeneID; 945137; -.
KEGG; ecj:Y75_p0478; -.
KEGG; eco:b0491; -.
PATRIC; 32116141; VBIEscCol129921_0512.
EchoBASE; EB3048; -.
EcoGene; EG13260; ybbM.
eggNOG; COG0390; -.
HOGENOM; HOG000260834; -.
KO; K02069; -.
OrthoDB; EOG64BQ6B; -.
ProtClustDB; CLSK879683; -.
BioCyc; EcoCyc:G6267-MONOMER; -.
BioCyc; ECOL316407:JW5066-MONOMER; -.
PRO; PR:P77307; -.
Genevestigator; P77307; -.
GO; GO:0016021; C:integral to membrane; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.
GO; GO:0005886; C:plasma membrane; IEA:UniProtKB-SubCell.
InterPro; IPR005226; CHP00245.
Pfam; PF03649; UPF0014; 1.
TIGRFAMs; TIGR00245; TIGR00245; 1.
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