terC | BacMet ID: BAC0388Code for: Membrane Transporter
Family: TerC familySequence: FASTA
Cross-database IDs: Link
Organism: Alcaligenes sp.Location: Plasmid IncHI2 pMER610 (Alcaligenes sp.), Plasmid pK2044 (Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae NTUH-K2044 )
Compound: Tellurium (Te)Description: Tellurium resistance protein TerC; Could conceivably alter the intracellular level of tellurium in a manner leading to resistance. Alternatively its presence in the membrane may provide a barrier to entry of the tellurium ions.
Length (amino acid): 346
Reference: Whelan et al. 1995; Pubmed- 7665479, Kormutakova et al. 2000; Pubmed- 11016400
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