mymT | BacMet ID: BAC0262Code for: Binding protein
Family: Metallothionein superfamilySequence: FASTA
Cross-database IDs: Link
Organism: Mycobacterium tuberculosisLocation: Chromosome
Compound: Copper (Cu), Nickel (Ni), Zinc (Zn)Description: Cu(I)-binding metallothionein mymT; Metallothioneins are small proteins that have a high content of cysteine residues wich allow them to bind heavy metal ions through clusters of thiolate bonds. MymT binds up to seven ions of Cu+, with a preference for four to six Cu+ ions, in a solvent-shielded core. MymT protects M. tuberculosis from copper toxicity. Up-regulated by copper, cadmium, cobalt, nickel and zinc, but not manganese.
Length (amino acid): 53
Reference: Gold et al. 2011; Pubmed- 18724363, Festa et al. 2011; Pubmed- 21166899
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